Our Projects

Beach Cleanups
The accumulation of garbage directly affects the coastal ecosystem, as well as many others. Due to this reason, we promote Beach Cleanups so that, together, we can try to create a cleaner and healthier environment.
These activities promote not only the cleaning of the trash but also proves to be a powerful tool to create awareness in our community and society.
Volunteer Shifts
Initially only made in partnership with Refood, this type of activity is mainly focused on giving you an opportunity to try different kinds of volunteering experiences.
Maybe you found something you really love to do.
Toys Collection
In December, our Student’s Union held a toy collection in partnership with Nasce e Renasce.
It was a project that intended to ensure that children who need the most actually received presents at Christmas.
This initiative managed to ensure a better Christmas for these families who are unfortunately going through a difficult time.
Plastic Lids Collection
We invite you to become part of a 365 days on-going change to make a significant difference in some people’s lives by simply collecting plastic lids and bringing it to our Student’s Union!
Being a student from CLSBE gives us the opportunity to participate in the activities the Student’s Association organize for us, including volunteering!In the trash pickup prepared I truly felt small steps definitely make a huge impact to the preservation of the oceans. It was gratifying to see the final result and an incentive to understand it’s in our hands to help the planet.
It’s not a secret that people are irresponsible and don’t protect their environment, but this experience really helped me to see how damaging our actions are being for the planet. It was really shocking to see that most of the trash was not just plastic but at the same time it was fishing nets, cigarettes and even some juice cans. Moreover, with this pandemic there was even more trash on the beach, like masks and silicon gloves.
Slowly we are destroying our planet but it’s up to us to solve the problem and start acting as we should to preserve what we have. The experience of cleaning the beach has given me hope because if everyone does their part by not polluting and picking up their trash, maybe there is still hope of a cleaner and brighter future.
First off all, I have to say that my experience as a volunteer in the Refood has been amazing! I had been doing occasionally voluntary work for a long time, however, I started to desire to include it in my routine. In the beginning of my first year as a student in Católica Lisbon, I saw the advertising on Católica Lisbon SU’s Instagram about having the chance to, for one night, volunteer in Refood. Of course, I couldn’t let this opportunity pass me by, so I signed myself up to do it, and I did it!
After this experience, I felt amazing – giving my time to people that needed it more than me felt amazing! Because of it, I decided to join this cause weekly: every Friday, I give my best by doing something that is making me feel so fulfilled.
So, after all, my best advice for you is: don’t miss the opportunities that our SU has to offer!
I have already done volunteering with Refood through school and I confess that I wasn’t expecting to do the same through university.
Thanks to Católica I could have that opportunity again and I enjoyed it a lot!